Create your personal affiliate account
Use buttons, links, banners
and other media content on your site
Earn a commission for every sale
through your affiliate links
We offer percentage program with up to 50% recurring
commission, up to 100% with first invoice commission.
With percentage program we will pay you lifetime
commission from each member subscription renewals.
You will never miss any sale with 1 year cookies
we use for potential subscribers
Payouts by request anytime.
Invite more webmasters and get 10%
of all their earnings
Each month we choose the best affiliate and raise their fee by 10%
for the next month. The more sales - the more money you'll earn!
Number of sales
1 - 25
26 - 50
Main Percentage Program
Recurring for unlimited period.
30% / sale
35% / sale
40% / sale
Subscription plan
1 month
3 months
1 year
2+ years
Percentage Program SubR
Recurring for unlimited period.
40% / sale
35% / sale
30% / sale
25% / sale
Percentage Program SubF
First invoice only. Not recurring.
80% / sale
70% / sale
50% / sale
40% / sale
We review each application individually and evaluate whether or not we deem its nature or content suitable to represent the Trust.Zone brand.
You will need to generate a minimum of $150 in commission before we process your affiliate payment. Balances under $150 will be accrued until the threshold has been met. This minimum threshold can be increased at your request.
Affiliates can be paid by Bitcoin, Bank Wire Transfer, Webmoney and others.
"I've worked with Trust.Zone Affiliate over the past few months and have found them to be extremely professional, very creative with their marketing tools and always a pleasure to deal with."
- Sam, 33yo"Affiliate support team at Trust.Zone Affiliate is unmatched! I have NEVER had a problem with payouts. A great affiliate program, Trust.Zone Affiliate can bring success to everyone."
- Alexander, 27yo"I had wonderful experience working with Trust.Zone Affiliate and I did not have any hesitation while signing up with Trust.Zone Affiliate. I would wholeheartedly recommend Trust.Zone Affiliate to other webmasters."
- Edward, 30yoSpecial Deal is here!!! ... It's a time to BOOST your SALES! For the next month we sell Trust.Zone VPN...
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